
Roundabout complete

13 August 2024

Toi Toi residents celebrated the completion of the newly revamped Victory roundabout when it reopened on August 11 following more than two months of construction work.

The upgrade of the roundabout and installation of raised pedestrian crossings and clear cycle lanes to improve safety meant weeks of traffic management and road closures, but Victory residents have noticed an immediate, positive change.

At an opening event last week, resident Lisa Kimberley praised the upgrades, saying traffic had slowed and the much brighter crossings were better respected than the previous pedestrian refuge islands.

“As a driver there are no more surprises when & where pedestrians and cyclists choose to cross. As a resident, the bus stops and businesses are easier and safer to access. And as a parent, I love that kids get the high visibility they so desperately needed. Especially during peak times.”

Nelson Mayor Nick Smith says the intersection was Nelson’s worst black spot, with 26 injury accidents in the decade from 2012.

“A bike versus car collision in January here nearly cost Nelsonian Collette Jansen her life and she says her helmet was her life saver. She is still recovering and it is these sorts of accidents that we want to prevent with these improvements. Council is priortising these investments on where we can get the greatest safety dividend.”

Council has other intersection upgrades planned as part of the Long Term Plan, with priority given on the basis of identified black spots and where the greatest safety improvements can be gained.