Update 13 September 2023

Having reviewed flying fox mechanisms and alternative locations for the flying fox, we have decided to upgrade the existing flying fox with a quieter cable and trolley system.

We have considered other locations at Glenduan Reserve for the flying fox. In order to make an appreciable difference, the flying-fox would need to be moved quite a distance away from the existing playground, which isn’t ideal (especially where parents are supervising more than one child playing in the playground).

Due to a tighter braid of wire and improved rubber stoppers, it is expected that this flying fox will be significantly quieter.

Works are expected to be completed before Christmas.

Once reinstated, officers will review the flying fox mechanism to ensure it runs smoothly and doesn’t create unreasonable noise levels.

A big thank you to the residents of the Glen that provided feedback on the flying fox.

There were 83 votes made under the Quick Poll with 47 people (57%) wanting the flying fox replaced with a new one, and 31 people (37%) wanting it repaired. Three people wanted it removed and two people wanted it replaced with different playground equipment.

Additional feedback from 17 people was received via the online form and emails. Of this feedback, 13 supported retaining the flying fox, three submissions didn’t support the flying fox in its current location, and one person provided feedback on another matter (the addition of fitness equipment). Detailed feedback included requests to upgrade the flying fox, maintain it so it ran more quietly, or shift it further away from neighbouring properties.

Based on the general support for the retention of the flying fox, Nelson City Council is investigating options to replace or repair it. We are also looking at alternative locations (e.g. further away from residents).

We are asking our suppliers to recommend mechanisms that are quieter than the existing flying fox and we will provide an update when our investigations are complete.