Nelson City Council directed to fluoridate water by the Director General of Health

In July 2022 the Director-General of Health made a direction under the Health Act (section 116E) for Nelson City Council to add fluoride to Nelson's water supply.

This was a Government directive.

Nelson City Council has no option other than to comply with the directive from the Director General of Health.

More information on fluoride is available on the Ministry of Health's website.

The Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 shifted decision-making on fluoridation from local authorities to the Director-General of Health.

In July 2022, then Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield made directions under the Health Act to 14 local authorities, including Nelson, to add fluoride to their water supplies.

The direction required Council to have this in place by April 2024, 12 to 18 months from the date of direction. A subsequent extension of time was granted to allow fluoridation to be in place by 31 December 2024.

The Act states that it is an offence for a drinking water supplier not to comply with the Director-General of Health direction. This offence under s69ZZR(1) of the Health Act 1956 would be a strict liability offence with a maximum penalty of $200,000 plus an ongoing fine of $10,000 per day while the offence continues.

The direction sets a target concentration of fluoride in treated water at between 0.7 and 1.0mg/L. Council will be setting the level at 0.85mg/L. The maximum acceptable value under the Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand is 1.5mg/L.

Fluoride will be added to the Nelson water supply, with commissioning of new equipment and testing starting from 6 December 2024. The operation will be completed by 31 December 2024.

Our water quality is continually monitored through a rigorous independent testing programme, and fluoride will be included in this schedule, with analysis carried out by an independent third party to ensure quality standards are met.

If Council does not provide fluoridated drinking water by 31 December, 2024 then it is liable for a fine of $200,000 and a subsequent $10,000 fine every day that we are not compliant. This fine would need to be paid using ratepayer funding and is not budgeted for.

The Ministry of Health will fully subsidise the capital cost of the installation of the fluoride infrastructure up to a maximum of $909,000. Operational budgets have been included in Council's Long Term Plan.

Daily samples are tested by the electronic analyser at the treatment plant. The weekly samples are analysed by Hill Labs.

Council tests the water supply continuously for chlorine, fluoride, pH, turbidity, conductivity and ultraviolet absorbance.

Council tests the water supply daily for pH, colour, temperature, turbidity, manganese, iron and fluoride. Testing is also carried out for Aluminum, Antimony, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Bromate, Chlorate, Epichlorohydrin, Acrylamide when the treatment plant uses coagulant in the treatment process.

Council tests the water supply weekly for e-coli, total coliforms, fluoride, chlorine, pH, turbidity and temperature.

Council tests the water supply monthly for haloacetic acid's, trihalomethanes (disinfection byproducts), taste and odour, chlorate, bromate, iron and manganese.

Council tests the water quarterly for antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc.

Council tests the water supply annually for a wide range of chemicals as well as alkalinity and hardness. You can see the results for 2024 here:

No, Council has no plans to provide unfluoridated water for residents.

Council tests fluoride levels daily. Dose volume discrepancy alarms were installed as part of the dosing equipment.