If you are a group or individual working to improve the health of Whakatū Nelson’s environment, you may be eligible for an Environmental Grant.

The Environmental Grants scheme provides funding to support projects that protect, enhance and restore the health of our local environment.

Funding of up to $20,000 is available per project in any one year. However, applicants should note that there are limited funds available and aside from projects mitigating erosion, applications up to $5,000 are more likely to be successful.

Funding priorities for the 2024/2025 financial year are:

  • Projects that restore riparian margins or wetlands.
  • Projects that reduce erosion from streambanks or steep slopes on farming and forestry land.
  • Projects that enhance soil conservation.
  • Projects that exclude stock from waterways.
  • Projects that protect and restore a Significant Natural Area. Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) are sites contain significant indigenous vegetation or significant habitat of indigenous fauna. SNAs may include a range of ecosystems, e.g. native forest or coastal dunes, and are important refuges for protecting Whakatū/Nelson's ecosystems and species. Under the RMA, Council is required to work with landowners to identify and manage these areas.
  • Community projects* that protect and restore biodiversity by controlling weeds or browsing animals (e.g. goats, possums).
  • Community projects* that enhance native wildlife through predator control.
  • Restoration projects of areas that support ecological connectivity across the Nelson landscape including rural, peri urban and urban areas.
  • Restoration of important coastal ecosystems, including saltmarsh, estuary, and dune ecosystems.
  • * Community projects are those that involve three or more landowners and/or involve public land.

Applications for the 2024/2025 funding round open on Sunday, 1 September 2024, and close on Monday, 30 September 2024.

Find out more about the eligibility and assessment criteria here.

Does your project involve work in a Nelson City Council Park or Reserve, or in a Significant Natural Area on private land? If so, please contact Council at nelson.nature@ncc.govt.nz or by phoning 03 546 0200, to discuss your project BEFORE completing the application.

Kereru in a tree

Funding is available from the following non-regulatory Nelson City Council programmes:

  • Nelson Nature works across public and private land to protect, restore and enhance Nelson/Whakatū’s natural environment from the mountains to the sea. Funding is available for projects that aim to protect or enhance native biodiversity.
  • Healthy Streams works to improve freshwater outcomes across the region, in both urban and rural streams and rivers. Funding is available for projects that aim to improve the health of waterways for either human or ecosystem health, for example habitat restoration, small wetland projects, or mitigation of nutrients.
  • Sustainable Land Management supports landowners to manage their land to improve soils, enhance biodiversity and help improve waterways by preventing sediment and pollution from land-use activities. The programme is partially funded through the Ministry for Primary Industries. Funding is available for projects that mitigate erosion through tree planting, stock exclusion fencing, or establishment of small wetlands to filter nitrates and pollutants from productive land.

Yes. You must be the property owner or have written permission from the property owner.

No. Funding is not currently available for marine or intertidal-zone projects.

Yes, you can apply for a project on public land. You must gain permission from the property owner. Council’s Adopt a Spot programme works with groups and individuals taking care of sites on Council land nelson.govt.nz/adopt-a-spot. If your project involves work on a Nelson City Council Park or Reserve, please contact us at nelson.nature@ncc.govt.nz or 03 546 0200 before completing the application form.

Community projects are those that involve three or more landowners and/or involve public land. You should obtain landowner permission (including Council) from all land owners involved in your application before you apply and we may ask for evidence of this. However, we will consider applications from projects where there are at least three landowners engaged in the project and you are requesting support from our grant to extend the project further in your community (e.g. a neighbourhood backyard trapping project).

No. Funding is only available for projects within the Nelson City Council boundaries.

Yes, provided you meet the funding priorities for this year.

NB Establishing plants and keeping on top of weed control in areas where there is a high weed burden is an ongoing commitment that involves years of follow up in order maintain. Before completing an application, please consider your ability to commit your own time and funding towards achieving the long-term outcomes of your project. Projects where applicants can demonstrate high levels of co-funding (either through committing their own time, or monetary contribution to the project) will be prioritised.

No. Funding must be used in the grant year it is applied for i.e. 2023-24 financial year grant must be used by 30 June 2024.

There will be one funding round over the 2024-2025 financial year, in September 2024.

Grants of up to $20,000 are available per applicant in each year. However, applicants should note that there are limited funds available and aside from projects mitigating erosion, applications up to $5,000 are more likely to be successful.

If your project has positive environmental outcomes and is a viable project, is well aligned with the annual funding priorities, and includes an in-kind contribution, it will score more highly. However, lower scoring projects may also be funded, depending on how many applications are received.

Your application will be assessed in terms of:

1. Thorough and feasible plan/project goal:

  • Applicant has clearly identified the project goal.
  • There is clear alignment between activities and outputs and predicted outcomes.

2. Aligns with council priorities:

  • Applicant provides supporting evidence, data or research findings that indicate alignment.
  • Priorities have been identified either by applicant or assessor.

3. Capacity to deliver:

  • Application shows a project that is well planned and achievable within the timeframe.
  • Appropriate partners/contractors/groups have been identified that will help to deliver the project.

4. In-kind contributions:

  • Application has outlined in-kind contributions that will be made to the project either by themselves, a community group, or a supporting organisation.

5. Environmental outcomes:

  • Applicant has specified what and how environmental outcomes will be achieved through the project.

‘Funding’ includes money, professional ecological advice, and/or native plants, as specified in individual funding agreements.

Money will normally be paid on evidence of payment (i.e. your receipt for the goods purchased) or on evidence of a contractor’s invoice. Payment of grants in advance may be approved in some circumstances for Trusts and community groups.

When applying for fencing as part of a grant, there will be a standard subsidy per metre of fencing of $12.

Council will provide native plants directly (rather than money to buy plants) to ensure the use of eco-sourced plants. Native plants provided are for establishing or extending native planting areas only. Appropriate native species will be selected for your site according to site suitability and you will not be able to request specific species. No enhancement or climax species are available. Plants will be available for collection in May to June for planting over winter. When calculating the cost of the plants as part of your application, allow $3.50 per plant.

Yes, please indicate if you would like biodegradable plant guards and stakes with your plants. When calculating the cost of the plant guards and stakes as part of your application, allow $1.70 per plant.

Grants will not be provided for:

  • works required by a law, a plan rule, or a consent condition
  • large scale forestry (over 10ha in area)
  • intensive predator control at sites which do not contain threatened or at-risk species or which do not have a community group
  • retrospective costs (i.e. costs incurred prior to a funding agreement being signed)
  • reimbursement of landowner time or voluntary labour
  • proposals that are designed to generate personal or commercial profit
  • debt repayment or the refinancing of loans
  • purchase of tools and machinery for private landowners (e.g. chainsaws, mulchers). You can apply to hire tools and machinery
  • applicants that have outstanding reports or monies owing to the council.
  • 1st September 2024 – Applications open
  • 30th September 2024 – Applications close
  • October 2024 – Site visits, grants assessments
  • November 2024 – Grant agreements signed.
  • December 2024 – Funding made available.
  • 30th June 2025 – Grant term ends
  • 31st July 2025 – Accountability reports due.

All applicants will receive a letter advising whether funding has been approved for their project in October 2024.

The funding agreement will outline:

  • what the Council will provide to support your project (money, native plants and/or other materials)
  • how and when the grant will be provided
  • any specific conditions associated with the grant
  • general conditions associated with all grants.

Recipients of grants with a value less than $500 will receive an email, rather than an agreement, detailing what the Council will provide to support your project (money, native plants and/or other materials) and how and when the grant will be provided.

Before applying, please check that:

  • The applicant has read and understood the council priorities and assessment criteria.
  • The applicant is able to demonstrate alignment between your project and the priorities for this years funding.
  • The applicant grant area is located within the Nelson City Council boundaries.
  • The applicant does not owe any reports or money to Nelson City Council as a result of previous funding or grants.
  • The applicant has the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this grant.

You must be able to confirm that all statements above are true and correct to be eligible for a grant.