In 2023, eBus began a trial of dogs on buses. Phase 1 was to allow small dogs in a suitable carry container. This trial has been successful and has led to Phase 2, allowing all dogs on board, this time with a muzzle and leash.

The Regional Transport Committee has accepted a proposal for a 12-week trial of dogs on our eBus network. The trial will begin on 1 April 2024.

Auckland Council with Auckland Transport recently completed a similar trial. We have followed their approach.

Proposed terms and conditions for dogs on the eBus service are below:

You can travel with your pet on weekdays between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm, after 6.30pm, and all-day on weekends and public holidays.

All dogs must be wearing a cage type muzzle and lead or be travelling in an approved pet carrier.

Pet carriers must be small enough to fit under a seat, or on the passenger’s lap.

You are responsible for your pet’s mess and must ensure that any pet mess is cleaned up before leaving the bus.

Your dog gets free travel on the bus.

You may be unable to board the bus with your dog if the bus is too crowded.

You may be refused entry or asked to leave the bus if your pet is likely to, or is causing a safety risk or nuisance to other passengers. If this happens you won’t be entitled to a refund.

Children younger than 16 years old cannot travel with a dog unless they travel with an adult.

You may be asked to move if a disability dog boards to avoid it being distracted by other dogs.

Only one dog per customer is permitted.

This is a trial and as such it is really important for pet owners to stick to the rules if we want this to become a permanent fixture of our bus service. As it is a trial we will be accepting feedback from dog owners, and public transport users. We will determine how the service will continue if it was to pass the trial phase.

We recommend preparing your dog for wearing a muzzle (if they’ve never worn one before). With the trial beginning April 1, there’s plenty of time to start preparing.

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