Project update


Following the August weather event, the culvert under Brook Street at Glen Creek was damaged. This reduced Brook Street to one lane, causing disruption for the many residents in the area.

This is a high-priority site and is scheduled to be repaired as soon as possible. We will also be laying a second culvert parallel to the existing one to increase the capacity of the culvert to handle water coming down Glen Creek and into Brook Stream.

The exposed ducts will be buried, and the road will be restored back to two lanes.

Detailed designs and resource consent planning is underway. This work is scheduled to be completed during this financial year after we have secured a contractor.

The tender for the contractor will be advertised shortly. We need to follow the Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency) procurement policy. This will make us eligible for a subsidy.

The construction work will occur in the drier months, which will lower the risk and means we can get the job done quicker. Council’s Annual Plan has provided the necessary budget this financial year to complete this work.

Council’s contractors will continue to undertake maintenance on all surface channels and drainage, including cleaning culverts to ensure these systems are ready if we get more heavy rain.