With upgrades continuing in the Glenduan area, it is now Athol Street's turn for a stormwater upgrade.
This upgrade will improve the future capacity / resilience of the area to manage stormwater. This will reduce the likelihood of adjacent properties being flooded in heavy rainfall.,
The work has been broken into two stages.
Stage One has been completed. It included the following:
Stage Two involves:
New sump and pipe under Athol Street.
- Installation of a new stormwater culvert (with an inlet structure on the inner side of the bend) to capture surface water flows coming down Athol Street. The inlet structure to be within the existing grassy area between Athol St and the driveway to #6 Athol St (clear of the actual road)
Roadside channel - concrete
- Increasing the capacity of the two sections of existing roadside channel, running between #12 and #6 Athol St
Roadside channel - grass
- Increasing the vegetated swale at the lower end of the existing dish channel
Existing culvert under #6 Athol St
- It is proposed to install a new culvert parallel to the existing (twin) to increase flow volume
Upgrades are in line with accommodating Q100 future stormwater flows.