Council’s existing Commercial Occupation of Footpaths, Carparks and Parking Squares Policy came into effect in 2000. Given the changes and developments that have occurred since then we want to replace it with a new Policy that aligns more closely with Council’s strategic direction and the evolving needs of our community.

The purpose of the Commercial Occupation Policy is to inform and advise businesses of the requirements and assessment matters when applying for a Commercial Occupation Licence for:

  • Outdoor dining (an extension of a café, bar, or restaurant which is set up on any footpath or other public place)
  • Street stalls (any vehicle, table, or other construction or erection which, pursuant to a Licence to occupy issued by the Council, is authorised to occupy a dedicated site within the City)
  • Ongoing market (a market held on a regular basis, such as weekly, which requires a commercial occupation Licence).

The Policy applies to commercial occupation of all legal road controlled by Council (as defined under section 315 of the Local Government Act 1974), 1903 Square and the Cathedral Steps.

The policy was formally adopted at a Council meeting on Thursday, 5 September.

Final Adopted Commercial Occupation Policy 2024

Proposed Licence fees schedule

Council is also received feedback on a proposal to establish a new fee structure for licences to occupy legal road land in the Nelson area, for the purposes of footpath and car park dining, street stalls and markets. If adopted, a new fee structure will commence on 1 October 2024.

The Licence fees schedule was formally adopted at a Council meeting on Thursday, 5 September.

Final Adopted Licence Fee Schedule 2024